Recycling reactors for PU residues

H&S Anlagentechnik have developed innovative technology and reactor installations for the chemical conversion of rigid and flexible polyurethane foam residues into polyol. The technologies enable the production of high-quality recovered polyols on a scale suitable for production.

Compared to previous recycling methods, polyols produced by using H&S technology feature good reactivity and do not contain any primary aromatic amines (methylene and toluene diamine), which are hazardous and not acceptable for mattress and upholstery foams in particular.

Polyurethane foam manufacturers who produce rigid as well as flexible foam types have already shown great interest in the recycling technology. For flexible foam, the previously used methods such as rebound foam for carpet underlays and sports mats are no longer economically attractive. The price for flexible waste foam has continuously fallen.

Chemical recycling is a more efficient method for converting residues. Another factor is the continuous increase in polyol prices. Furthermore, the

"green" aspect is increasingly gaining in importance, as all companies are encouraged" to reduce their CO2 emissions. Moreover, recycling is a method for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and a closed production cycle is also a very sustainable option.

The price for rigid waste foam is currently increasing significantly. In Europe, such waste must no longer be disposed of in landfill sites, but must be incinerated, which is associated with high costs.

Applications for mechanically recycled rigid foam such as powder are limited. Furthermore, a rather large volume of rigid waste foam originates from the production of large insulating board manufacturers, so that the recycling of small quantities, which are turned into powder fillers, cannot achieve a high recycling ratio. Naturally, the rising price for polyols also plays a part.

We will be pleased to tell you more in person.

Additional recycling reactors:

Recycling reactors for flexible PU foam residues

for the recycling of flexible PU foam residues is based on an optimized acidolysis method in which PU residues are dissolved in a mixture of carboxylic acid and basic polyol

Recycling reactors for rigid PU foam residues

for the recycling of rigid PU foam residues based on the glycolysis method, in which PU residues are dissolved in a mixture of glycol and catalysts

Your contact:

Tel.: +49 4271 1011