The production of prepolymers is a complex task, which requires a highly precise control of the process conditions and parameters such as temperature, pressure, agitation etc. Most of the raw materials required for the production of prepolymers are delicate and require special pre-treatment before they can be processed (e.g. melting, heating, cold storing, special dosing etc.). H&S provides comprehensive reactor systems including all necessary equipment for storage and pre-treatment of the raw materials, control units and filling stations for packing the complete prepolymers in tanks, drums, buckets or other containers.
Thanks to their modular design, H&S blending, dosing and formulation plants are used in individual solutions as well as within the scope of complete solutions. H&S offers comprehensive consultation for their customers, and provides full support and implementation with regard to respective projects. This always results in tailored solutions, which correspond to the individual requirements of our customers.
H&S Anlagentechnik GmbH
Sandstraße 19
27232 Sulingen, Germany
Tel. +49 42 71 / 10 11
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