
On 19.10.23, we had the pleasure of taking part in an extremely exciting “Circular Economy” dialog forum organized by NABU. We would like to thank you very much for the invitation. The discussion on the topics of used textiles and used mattress disposal and recycling proved to be extremely varied and informative. It is always very motivating to realize that solutions already exist for these complex problems. We no longer need to see waste as waste, but as a valuable raw material that is of great importance in today’s world. Sustainable waste management can make an enormous contribution to conserving our resources. It also became clear during the discussion that a proactive policy is needed to support and promote such initiatives. Bans alone are often not enough to overcome the challenges of waste disposal and recycling. It is innovative initiatives and incentives that can bring about real change and we are determined to play our part in this change. #Nachhaltigkeit #Recycling #Umweltschutz #Altmatratzen #NachhaltigeEntsorgung #NABU #Dialogforum